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It is common in a complex design to recognize certain patterns from a big UInt coming from a data bus and dispatch actions to next pipeline stage based on such observation. The circuit doing so can be called as 'decoders' such as address decoders in a bus crossbar or instruction decoders in a CPU frontend. Chisel provides some utility class to generate them in util.exprimental.decode package.

Basic Decoders

The simplest API provided by decoder is essentially just a TruthTable encoding your desired input and output.

import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.BitPat
import chisel3.util.experimental.decode._

class SimpleDecoder extends Module {
val table = TruthTable(
BitPat("b001") -> BitPat("b?"),
BitPat("b010") -> BitPat("b?"),
BitPat("b100") -> BitPat("b1"),
BitPat("b101") -> BitPat("b1"),
BitPat("b111") -> BitPat("b1")
val input = IO(Input(UInt(3.W)))
val output = IO(Output(UInt(1.W)))
output := decoder(input, table)


When the decoded result involves multiple fields, each with its own semantics, the TruthTable can quickly be become hard to maintain. The DecoderTable API is designed to generate decoder table from structured definitions.

The bridge from structured information to its encoding is DecodePattern trait. The bitPat member defines the input BitPat in the decode truth table, and other members can be defined to contain structured information.

To generate output side of the decode truth table, the trait to use is DecodeField. Given an instance implementing the DecodePattern object, the genTable method should return desired output.

import chisel3.util.BitPat
import chisel3.util.experimental.decode._

case class Pattern(val name: String, val code: BigInt) extends DecodePattern {
def bitPat: BitPat = BitPat("b" + code.toString(2))

object NameContainsAdd extends BoolDecodeField[Pattern] {
def name = "name contains 'add'"
def genTable(i: Pattern) = if ("add")) y else n

Then all DecodePattern cases can be generated or read from external sources. And with all DecodeField objects, the decoder can be easily generated and output can be read by corresponding DecodeFields.

import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.experimental.decode._

class SimpleDecodeTable extends Module {
val allPossibleInputs = Seq(Pattern("addi", BigInt("0x2")) /* can be generated */)
val decodeTable = new DecodeTable(allPossibleInputs, Seq(NameContainsAdd))

val input = IO(Input(UInt(4.W)))
val isAddType = IO(Output(Bool()))
val decodeResult = decodeTable.decode(input)
isAddType := decodeResult(NameContainsAdd)