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Layers describe functionality of a Chisel generator that a user would like to optionally include at Verilog elaboration time. Pragmatically, they are a feature to access SystemVerilog's bind construct and `ifdef preprocessor macros. The optional functionality of layers, by construction, is not allowed to affect logic outside the layer.

Layers are typically used to describe design verification code or debugging logic that a user would like to be able to later disable (for performance, verbosity, or cleanliness reasons) or use internally, but exclude from delivery to a customer.


A layer consists of two pieces:

  1. A layer declaration, and
  2. One or more layer blocks inside Chisel modules.

The declaration indicates that optional functionality can exist. The layer block contains the optional functionality.

There are two kinds of layers. The layer kind determines the convention, i.e., how the layer blocks of a layer are represented in Verilog and the mechanism to enable a layer. Available layer kinds are:

  1. "Extract" Layers: layers whose blocks are lowered to modules that are instantiated using bind and can be enabled by including a file during Verilog elaboration, and
  2. "Inline" Layers: layers whose blocks will be guarded with `ifdef macros and can be enabled by setting a Verilog preprocessor define.

Extract layers may also specify a directory into which their collateral are written.


For more information about these SystemVerilog concepts, the IEEE 1800-2023 standard discusses bind in Section 23.11 and `ifdef in Section 23.6.

To declare a layer, create a singleton object in scala that extends the abstract class chisel3.layer.Layer, passing into the layer constructor either an object of class chisel3.layer.LayerConfig.Extract for an extract layer, or the object chisel3.layer.LayerConfig.Inline for an inline layer.

Below, an extract layer and an inline layer are declared:

import chisel3.layer.{Layer, LayerConfig}

object A extends Layer(LayerConfig.Extract())

object B extends Layer(LayerConfig.Inline)

Layers may be nested. Nesting a child layer under a parent layer means that the child layer may access constructs in the parent layer. Put differently, the child layer will only be enabled if the parent layer is already enabled. To declare a nested layer, extend the chisel3.layer.Layer abstract class inside another declaration.

The following example defines an extract layer with two nested layers inside it:

object C extends Layer(LayerConfig.Extract()) {
object D extends Layer(LayerConfig.Extract())
object E extends Layer(LayerConfig.Inline) {
object F extends Layer(LayerConfig.Inline)

SystemVerilog prohibits a bind instantiation under another bind instantiation. However, Chisel allows nesting of extract layers. This is resolved by the FIRRTL compiler to restructure nested extract layers to be sibling modules that communicate via ports.


Extract layers may not be nested under inline layers. However, inline layers may be nested under extract layers.

Any module which contains layer blocks or transitively contains layer blocks in its submodules may not be instantiated under a layer block.

A layer block, associated with a layer, adds optional functionality to a module that is enabled if that layer is enabled. To define a layer block, use the chisel3.layer.block inside a Chisel module and pass the layer that it should be associated with.

Inside the layer block, any Chisel or Scala value visible in lexical scope may be used. Layer blocks may not return values. Any values created inside a layer block are not accessible outside the layer block, unless using layer-colored probes.

The following example defines layer blocks inside module Foo. Each layer block contains a wire that captures a value from its visible lexical scope. (For nested layer blocks, this scope includes their parent layer blocks.):

import chisel3._
import chisel3.layer.block

class Foo extends RawModule {
val port = IO(Input(Bool()))

block(A) {
val a = WireInit(port)

block(B) {
val b = WireInit(port)

block(C) {
val c = WireInit(port)
block(C.D) {
val d = WireInit(port | c)
block(C.E) {
val e = WireInit(port ^ c)
block (C.E.F) {
val f = WireInit(port & e)

The layer block API will automatically create parent layer blocks for you if possible. In the following example, it is legal to directly create a layer block of C.D directly in a module:

class Bar extends RawModule {
block (C.D) {}

Formally, it is legal to create a layer block associated with a layer as long as the current scope is an ancestor of the request layer.


The requirement is an ancestor relationship, not a proper ancestor relationship. This means that it is legal to nest a layer block under a layer block of the same layer like:

class Baz extends RawModule {
block(A) {
block(A) {}

Verilog ABI

Layers are compiled to SystemVerilog using the FIRRTL ABI. This ABI defines what happens to layer blocks in a Chisel design and how a layer can be enabled after a design is compiled to SystemVerilog.


For the exact definition of the FIRRTL ABI for layers, see the FIRRTL ABI Specification.

Extract Layers

Extract layers have their layer blocks removed from the design. To enable a layer, a file with a specific name should be included in the design. This file begins with layers- and then includes the circuit name and all layer names delimited with dashes (-).

For example, for module Foo declared above, this will produce three files, one for each extract layer:

To enable any of these layers at compilation time, the appropriate file should be included in the build. Any combination of files may be included. Including only a child layer's file will automatically include its parent layer's file.

Inline Layers

Inline layers have their layer blocks guarded with conditional compilation directives. To enable an inline layer, set a preprocessor define when compiling your design. The preprocessor define begins with layer_ and then includes the circuit name and all layer names delimited with dollar signs ($). Parent extract layer names appear in the macro.

For example, for module Foo declared above, this will be sensitive to three macros, one for each inline layer:


User-defined Layers

A user is free to define as many layers as they want. All layers shown previously are user-defined, e.g., A and C.E are user-defined layers. User-defined layers are only emitted into FIRRTL if they have layer block users. To change this behavior and unconditionally emit a user-defined layer, use the chisel3.layer.addLayer API.


Before creating new user-defined layers, consider using the built-in layers defined below. Additionally, if working in a larger project, the project may have it's own user-defined layers that you are expected to use. This is because the ABIs affect the build system. Please consult with a technical lead of the project to see if this is the case.

Built-in Layers

Chisel provides several built-in layers. These are shown below with their full Scala paths. All built-in layers are extract layers:

├── chisel3.layers.Verification.Assert
├── chisel3.layers.Verification.Assume
└── chisel3.layers.Verification.Cover

These built-in layers are dual purpose. First, these layers match the common use case of sequestering verification code. The Verification layer is for common verification collateral. The Assert, Assume, and Cover layers are for, respectively, assertions, assumptions, and cover statements. Second, the Chisel standard library uses them for a number of its APIs. Unless otherwise wrapped in a different layer block, the following operations are automatically placed in layers:

  • Prints are placed in the Verification layer
  • Assertions are placed in the Verification.Assert layer
  • Assumptions are placed in the Verification.Assume layer
  • Covers are placed in the Verification.Cover layer

For predictability of output, these layers will always be show up in the FIRRTL that Chisel emits. To change this behavior, use firtool command line options to specialize these layers (remove their optionality by making them always enabled or disabled). Use -enable-layers to enable a layer, -disable-layers to disable a layer, or -default-layer-specialization to set a default specialization.


Users may extend built-in layers with user-defined layers using an advanced API. To do this, the layer parent must be specified as an implicit value.

The following example nests the layer Debug to the Verification layer:

object UserDefined {
// Define an implicit val `root` of type `Layer` to cause layers which can see
// this to use `root` as their parent layer. This allows us to nest the
// user-defined `Debug` layer under the built-in `Verification` layer.
implicit val root: Layer = chisel3.layers.Verification
object Debug extends Layer(LayerConfig.Inline)


While layers are not allowed to influence the design or their parent layers, it is often useful and necessary to allow layer blocks to send information out of their containing modules to be read by layer blocks of the same layer or children layers. Hardware which has this optional property is said to be layer-colored. Both probes and wires can be layer-colored.

Layer-colored Probes and Wires

A layer-colored probe is a probe that exists if a user enables its corresponding layer during Verilog elaboration. Layer-colored probes are used to describe optional verification, debugging, or logging interfaces.

Layer-colored wires are used as temporary storage of defined probe values. They are used for communication between layer blocks of the same layer in the same module or as temporary storage when forwarding a probe to a port.

A layer-colored probe or wire may be the target of a define if the define is enabled when the color of the probe or wire is enabled. A layer-colored probe or wire may be read from if the color of the probe or wire is enabled when the read is enabled. Put differently, you may write to your layer or a child layer and you may read from your layer or a parent layer.

The example below shows two layer-colored probe ports and one layer-colored probe wire driven in legal ways:

import chisel3._
import chisel3.layer.{Layer, LayerConfig}
import chisel3.probe.{Probe, ProbeValue, define}

object A extends Layer(LayerConfig.Extract())
object B extends Layer(LayerConfig.Extract())

class Foo extends RawModule {
val a = IO(Output(Probe(Bool(), A)))
val b = IO(Output(Probe(Bool(), B)))

layer.block(A) {
val a_wire = WireInit(false.B)
define(a, ProbeValue(a_wire))

val b_wire_probe = Wire(Probe(Bool(), B))
define(b, b_wire_probe)

layer.block(B) {
val b_wire = WireInit(false.B)
define(b_wire_probe, ProbeValue(b_wire))


For more information, see the layer coloring section of the FIRRTL Specification.

Enabling Layers

When working with layer-colored probes, it is often convenient to grant access to probes of one or more colors. E.g., testbenches often want to enable all layers in a design-under-test so that they gain access to layer-colored probe ports necessary for advanced design verification. Without an additional feature, this use case is poorly supported with just layer coloring. First, it is tedious to enclose all code inside a testbench in a layer block. Second, a testbench may need to read probes with colors that do not have a parent--child relationship. No layer block is capable of both legally reading from different probes and combining the results.

To support this use case, Chisel provides the layer.enable API. This API grants access to any layer-colored probes of instantiated modules for the enabled layer. The API may be used more than once to enable more than one layer.

The example below instantiates module Foo from the previous section. After enabling layers A and B, the module can read from probes with colors A and B and use their results in a single operation:

import chisel3.layer.enable

class Bar extends RawModule {


val foo = Module(new Foo)

val c = read(foo.a) ^ read(foo.b)



Simple Extract Layer

The design below has a single extract layer that, when enabled, will add an assert that checks for overflow. Based on the FIRRTL ABI, we can expect that a file called will be produced when we compile it.

import chisel3._
import chisel3.layer.{Layer, LayerConfig, block}
import chisel3.ltl.AssertProperty

object A extends Layer(LayerConfig.Extract())

class Foo extends Module {
val a, b = IO(Input(UInt(4.W)))
val sum = IO(Output(UInt(4.W)))

sum :<= a +% b

block(A) {
withDisable(Disable.Never) {
AssertProperty(!(a +& b)(4), "overflow occurred")


After compilation, we get the following SystemVerilog. Comments that include FILE indicate the beginning of a new file:

// Generated by CIRCT firtool-1.99.1
module Foo(
input clock,
input [3:0] a,
output [3:0] sum

wire [4:0] _sum_T = {1'h0, a} + {1'h0, b};
assign sum = _sum_T[3:0];

// ----- 8< ----- FILE "A/" ----- 8< -----

// Generated by CIRCT firtool-1.99.1
`ifndef layers_Foo_A
`define layers_Foo_A
bind Foo Foo_A a_0 (
._GEN (_sum_T),
.clock (clock)
`endif // layers_Foo_A

// ----- 8< ----- FILE "A/" ----- 8< -----

// Generated by CIRCT firtool-1.99.1
module Foo_A(
input [4:0] _GEN,
input clock

overflow_occurred: assert property (@(posedge clock) ~(_GEN[4]));


The above example was compiled with the firtool options -enable-layers=Verification, -enable-layers=Verification.Assert, -enable-layers=Verification.Assume, and -enable-layers=Verification.Cover to make the output terser. Normally, bind files would show up for these built-in layers.


Note: the generated module, Foo_A, and its file,, are not part of the ABI. You should not rely on any generated module names or files other than the bind file,

Simple Inline Layer

The design below is the same as the previous example, but uses an inline layer. Based on the FIRRTL ABI, we can expect that the body of the layer block will be guarded by an `ifdef sensitive to the preprocessor macro layer_Foo$A.

import chisel3._
import chisel3.layer.{Layer, LayerConfig, block}
import chisel3.ltl.AssertProperty

object A extends Layer(LayerConfig.Inline)

class Foo extends Module {
val a, b = IO(Input(UInt(4.W)))
val sum = IO(Output(UInt(4.W)))

sum :<= a +% b

block(A) {
withDisable(Disable.Never) {
AssertProperty(!(a +& b)(4), "overflow occurred")


After compilation, we get the following SystemVerilog.

// Generated by CIRCT firtool-1.99.1
module Foo(
input clock,
input [3:0] a,
output [3:0] sum

wire [4:0] _sum_T = {1'h0, a} + {1'h0, b};
`ifdef layer_Foo$A
overflow_occurred: assert property (@(posedge clock) ~(_sum_T[4]));
`endif // layer_Foo$A
assign sum = _sum_T[3:0];

Design Verification Example

Consider a use case where a design or design verification engineer would like to add some asserts and debug prints to a module. The logic necessary for the asserts and debug prints requires additional computation. All of this code should selectively included at Verilog elaboration time (not at Chisel elaboration time). The engineer can use three layers to do this.

There are three layers used in this example:

  1. The built-in Verification layer
  2. The built-in Assert layer which is nested under the built-in Verification layer
  3. A user-defined Debug layer which is also nested under the built-in Verification layer

The Verification layer can be used to store common logic used by both the Assert and Debug layers. The latter two layers allow for separation of, respectively, assertions from prints.

One way to write this in Scala is the following:

import chisel3._
import chisel3.layer.{Layer, LayerConfig, block}
import chisel3.layers.Verification

// User-defined layers are declared here. Built-in layers do not need to be declared.
object UserDefined {
implicit val root: Layer = Verification
object Debug extends Layer(LayerConfig.Inline)

class Foo extends Module {
val a = IO(Input(UInt(32.W)))
val b = IO(Output(UInt(32.W)))

b := a +% 1.U

// This adds a `Verification` layer block inside Foo.
block(Verification) {

// Some common logic added here. The input port `a` is "captured" and
// used here.
val a_d0 = RegNext(a)

// This adds an `Assert` layer block.
block(Verification.Assert) {
chisel3.assert(a >= a_d0, "a must always increment")

// This adds a `Debug` layer block.
block(UserDefined.Debug) {
printf("a: %x, a_d0: %x", a, a_d0)



After compilation, this will produce two layer include files with the following filenames. One file is created for each extract layer:


Additionally, the resulting SystemVerilog will be sensitive to the preprocessor define layer_Foo$Verification$Debug due to the one inline layer we added.

A user can then include any combination of these files in their design to include the optional functionality described by the Verification or Verification.Assert layers and enable debugging by setting the preprocessor macro. The Verification.Assert bind file automatically includes the Verification bind file for the user.

Implementation Notes


This section describes the implementation of how layers are compiled. Anything that is not a bind file name or a preprocessor macro should not be relied upon! A FIRRTL compiler may implement this differently or may optimize layer blocks in any legal way it chooses. E.g., layer blocks associated with the same layer may be merged, layer blocks may be moved up or down the hierarchy, code that only fans out to a layer block may be sunk into it, and unused layer blocks may be deleted.

The information below is for user understanding and interest only.

In implementation, a FIRRTL compiler creates three Verilog modules for the circuit above (one for Foo and one for each layer block associated with an extract layer in module Foo):

  1. Foo
  2. Foo_Verification
  3. Foo_Verification_Assert

These will typically be created in separate files with names that match the modules, i.e.,,, and

The ports of each module created from a layer block will be automatically determined based on what that layer block captured from outside the layer block. In the example above, the Verification layer block captured port a. The Assert layer block captured captured a and a_d0.


Even though there are no layer blocks that use the Verification.Assume or Verification.Cover layers, bind files which have no effect are produced in the output. This is due to the ABI which requires that layers that are defined in FIRRTL must produce these files.

Verilog Output

The complete Verilog output for this example is reproduced below:

// Generated by CIRCT firtool-1.99.1
module Foo(
input clock,
input [31:0] a,
output [31:0] b

assign b = a + 32'h1;

// ----- 8< ----- FILE "verification/cover/" ----- 8< -----

// Generated by CIRCT firtool-1.99.1
`include "verification/"
`ifndef layers_Foo_Verification_Cover
`define layers_Foo_Verification_Cover
`endif // layers_Foo_Verification_Cover

// ----- 8< ----- FILE "verification/assume/" ----- 8< -----

// Generated by CIRCT firtool-1.99.1
`include "verification/"
`ifndef layers_Foo_Verification_Assume
`define layers_Foo_Verification_Assume
`endif // layers_Foo_Verification_Assume

// ----- 8< ----- FILE "verification/assert/" ----- 8< -----

// Generated by CIRCT firtool-1.99.1
`include "verification/"
`ifndef layers_Foo_Verification_Assert
`define layers_Foo_Verification_Assert
bind Foo Foo_Verification_Assert verification_assert (
.a (Foo.verification.a_probe),
.a_d0 (Foo.verification.a_d0_probe),
.reset (reset),
.clock (Foo.verification.clock_probe)
`endif // layers_Foo_Verification_Assert

// ----- 8< ----- FILE "verification/" ----- 8< -----

// Generated by CIRCT firtool-1.99.1
`ifndef layers_Foo_Verification
`define layers_Foo_Verification
bind Foo Foo_Verification verification (
.clock (clock),
.a (a),
.reset (reset)
`endif // layers_Foo_Verification

// ----- 8< ----- FILE "verification/assert/" ----- 8< -----

// Generated by CIRCT firtool-1.99.1

// Users can define 'STOP_COND' to add an extra gate to stop conditions.
`ifndef STOP_COND_
`ifdef STOP_COND
`else // STOP_COND
`define STOP_COND_ 1
`endif // STOP_COND
`endif // not def STOP_COND_

// Users can define 'ASSERT_VERBOSE_COND' to add an extra gate to assert error printing.
`endif // not def ASSERT_VERBOSE_COND_
module Foo_Verification_Assert(
input [31:0] a,
input reset,

always @(posedge clock) begin
if (~reset & a < a_d0) begin
$error("Assertion failed: a must always increment\n");
if (`STOP_COND_)
end // always @(posedge)
`endif // not def SYNTHESIS

// ----- 8< ----- FILE "verification/" ----- 8< -----

// Generated by CIRCT firtool-1.99.1

// Users can define 'PRINTF_COND' to add an extra gate to prints.
`ifndef PRINTF_COND_
`else // PRINTF_COND
`define PRINTF_COND_ 1
`endif // PRINTF_COND
`endif // not def PRINTF_COND_
module Foo_Verification(
input clock,
input [31:0] a,
input reset

wire clock_probe = clock;
wire [31:0] a_probe = a;
reg [31:0] a_d0;
wire [31:0] a_d0_probe = a_d0;
`ifdef layer_Foo$Verification$Debug
always @(posedge clock) begin
if ((`PRINTF_COND_) & ~reset)
$fwrite(32'h80000002, "a: %x, a_d0: %x", a, a_d0);
end // always @(posedge)
`endif // not def SYNTHESIS
`endif // layer_Foo$Verification$Debug
always @(posedge clock)
a_d0 <= a;