package firrtl
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- firrtl
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Package Members
- package annotations
- package graph
- package ir
- package options
- package passes
- package renamemap
- package stage
The stage package provides Stage/Phase infrastructure for FIRRTL compilers:
The stage package provides Stage/Phase infrastructure for FIRRTL compilers:
- A number of support Phases
- FirrtlOptions, a class representing options common to FIRRTL compilers
- FirrtlOptionsView, a utility that constructs an OptionsView of FirrtlOptions from an AnnotationSeq
- package transforms
- package util
Type Members
- class AnnotationSeq extends AnyRef
Container of all annotations for a Firrtl compiler
- case class CDefMPort(info: Info, name: String, tpe: Type, mem: String, exps: Seq[Expression], direction: MPortDir) extends Statement with HasInfo with UseSerializer with Product with Serializable
- case class CDefMemory(info: Info, name: String, tpe: Type, size: BigInt, seq: Boolean, readUnderWrite: ir.ReadUnderWrite.Value = ReadUnderWrite.Undefined) extends Statement with HasInfo with UseSerializer with Product with Serializable
- trait EmittedAnnotation[T <: EmittedComponent] extends NoTargetAnnotation with CustomFileEmission
Traits for Annotations containing emitted components
- sealed abstract class EmittedCircuit extends EmittedComponent
- sealed trait EmittedCircuitAnnotation[T <: EmittedCircuit] extends EmittedAnnotation[T]
- sealed abstract class EmittedComponent extends AnyRef
- final case class EmittedFirrtlCircuit(name: String, value: String, outputSuffix: String) extends EmittedCircuit with Product with Serializable
- case class EmittedFirrtlCircuitAnnotation(value: EmittedFirrtlCircuit) extends EmittedCircuitAnnotation[EmittedFirrtlCircuit] with Product with Serializable
- final case class EmittedVerilogCircuit(name: String, value: String, outputSuffix: String) extends EmittedCircuit with Product with Serializable
- case class EmittedVerilogCircuitAnnotation(value: EmittedVerilogCircuit) extends EmittedCircuitAnnotation[EmittedVerilogCircuit] with Product with Serializable
- class FirrtlUserException extends RuntimeException with NoStackTrace
Exception indicating user error
Exception indicating user error
These exceptions indicate a problem due to bad input and thus do not include a stack trace. This can be extended by custom transform writers.
- abstract class MPortDir extends FirrtlNode
- sealed trait RenameMap extends AnyRef
Map old names to new names
Map old names to new names
These are mutable datastructures for convenience
Value Members
- implicit def annoSeqToSeq(as: AnnotationSeq): Seq[Annotation]
- implicit def seqToAnnoSeq(xs: Seq[Annotation]): AnnotationSeq
- object AnnotationSeq
- case object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable
This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.
- case object MInfer extends MPortDir with Product with Serializable
- case object MRead extends MPortDir with Product with Serializable
- case object MReadWrite extends MPortDir with Product with Serializable
- case object MWrite extends MPortDir with Product with Serializable
- object Parser
- object PrimOps extends LazyLogging
Definitions and Utility functions for ir.PrimOps
- object RenameMap
- object Utils extends LazyLogging