
package core

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class Clone[+T](isClone: IsClone[T]) extends Underlying[T] with Product with Serializable

    A clone of a real implementation

  2. final case class Definition[+A] extends IsLookupable with SealedHierarchy[A] with Product with Serializable

    User-facing Definition type.

    User-facing Definition type. Represents a definition of an object of type A which are marked as @instantiable Can be created using Definition.apply method.

    These definitions are then used to create multiple Instances.

  3. sealed trait Hierarchy[+A] extends AnyRef

    Super-trait for Instance and Definition

    Super-trait for Instance and Definition

    Enables writing functions which are Instance/Definition agnostic

  4. case class ImportDefinitionAnnotation[T <: BaseModule with IsInstantiable](definition: Definition[T], overrideDefName: Option[String] = None) extends NoTargetAnnotation with Product with Serializable

    Stores a Definition that is imported so that its Instances can be compiled separately.

  5. final case class Instance[+A] extends SealedHierarchy[A] with Product with Serializable

    User-facing Instance type.

    User-facing Instance type. Represents a unique instance of type A which are marked as @instantiable Can be created using Instance.apply method.

  6. trait IsClone[+T] extends AnyRef

    Represents a clone of an underlying object.

    Represents a clone of an underlying object. This is used to support CloneModuleAsRecord and Instance/Definition.


    We don't actually "clone" anything in the traditional sense but is a placeholder so we lazily clone internal state

  7. trait IsInstantiable extends AnyRef

    While this is public, it is not recommended for users to extend directly.

    While this is public, it is not recommended for users to extend directly. Instead, use the instantiable annotation on your trait or class.

    This trait indicates whether a class can be returned from an Instance.

  8. trait IsLookupable extends AnyRef

    A User-extendable trait to mark metadata-containers, e.g.

    A User-extendable trait to mark metadata-containers, e.g. parameter case classes, as valid to return unchanged from an instance.

    This should only be true of the metadata returned is identical for ALL instances!

    1. For instances of the same proto, metadata or other construction parameters may be useful to access outside of the instance construction. For parameters that are the same for all instances, we should mark it as IsLookupable

      case class Params(debugMessage: String) extends IsLookupable
      class MyModule(p: Params) extends Module {
      val myParams = Params("Hello World")
      val definition = Definition(new MyModule(myParams))
      val i0 = Instance(definition)
      val i1 = Instance(definition)
      require(i0.p == i1.p) // p is only accessable because it extends IsLookupable
  9. trait Lookupable[-B] extends AnyRef

    Represents lookup typeclass to determine how a value accessed from an original IsInstantiable should be tweaked to return the Instance's version Sealed.

    Represents lookup typeclass to determine how a value accessed from an original IsInstantiable should be tweaked to return the Instance's version Sealed.

  10. final case class Proto[+T](proto: T) extends Underlying[T] with Product with Serializable

    An actual implementation

  11. sealed trait Underlying[+T] extends AnyRef

    Represents the underlying implementation of a Definition or Instance

Value Members

  1. object Definition extends SourceInfoDoc with Serializable

    Factory methods for constructing Definitions

  2. object Hierarchy
  3. object Instance extends SourceInfoDoc with Serializable

    Factory methods for constructing Instances

  4. object IsInstantiable
  5. object Lookupable
